Friday, March 23, 2007

Stun Mode

Today, I felt like a very tired deer in the headlights. So overwhelmed with another move and packing. I just feel like walking away from the entire process. We are contemplating delaying our trip for one more week, mainly because our house in Florida won't be ready for us when we get there, our cats will have to be put in a kennel when we get there if we leave now, and there's so much to do here. It'd be nice to get another week to have a couple of days of rest. I don't think it will happen though. I do believe we will be leaving here in a few short days! I am exhausted though and hope that I wake-up tomorrow morning refreshed and ready to tackle the main part of the packing.

1 comment:

Robin said...

If I could I'd send you a time-turner to give you some extra time.

Hang in there. As stressful as it is, one way or another it will all be over in few weeks and you'll be able to get back to the business of just living.