Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Well all right then. Certainly not the 'Welcome Wagon.'

Walking around the outside of the house we are moving into (eventually), we met our next door neighbor. A nice lady with two very cute children. Along comes her next door neighbor, an older woman, who blurts out to the other neighbor, "So these are the people who are roadblocking your driveway!" Then, looking straight at me says, "You're the people moving in? Have you been APPROVED yet by the 'Association.'?" Not a "Hello. Welcome to the Neighborhood." Nothing.

I had to maintain my composure and Edil had to understand what this lady meant. He said, "Excuse me?" And she repeated exactly what she said before. I guess we both felt like we were in a movie and couldn't believe what we were hearing. I've heard of people like this before but am surprised at how many people I've run into here like that (although this was more difficult because it's actually where we'll be living and not just a mere public place). It's been a challenge to continue to respond to this type of thing in the opposite spirit. We were able to overcome our hurt and offense by being extraordinarily kind to this woman in return. She backed-down somewhat and seemed somewhat embarrassed by her rudeness. She said she didn't think it would be a problem once we talk with the Association, for us to move into their neighborhood!

The day was very much like that for me yesterday. Though we are living in my native country now, it certainly is feeling quite a lot like foreign land to me. The culture is very different from what I am used to on the West Coast U.S. having never lived on the East Coast before, and never in a place with so many different people groups glomped so closely together (which I find fascinating, but also very challenging at times). People seem very surprised when you treat them with kindness.

Today, we have an "interview" with the Homeowners' Assocation. I'll let you know how it goes!


Melissa said...

Oh Janice, bless your heart! I'm so sorry. That woman reminds me of the "Home Owners Association" lady on the movie OVER THE HEDGE. LOL (If you haven't seen it - rent it for the kids and yourself, its too cute!) Please know I'm lifting you all up in prayer! You can do this - remeber its HIS strength you have!!

Lilight said...

Thanks Melissa! You're so right. Thanks for the prayers.

Yes, I've seen that movie. It is cute! That's funny. She was kind of like that lady!

Thankfully, the meeting was nothing like the spirit in which that lady presented. The President of the Homeowners' Association was very welcoming!