Wednesday, November 21, 2007

On the menu...

In typical Thanksgiving-Eve fashion, I spent all afternoon and into early evening in the kitchen, preparing for a feast. We are spending Thanksgiving Day tomorrow at the home of some old friends. We will go bringing some traditions from my family. I prepared New England stuffing (a delicious mashed potato based stuffing also containing bread crumbs, onion, eggs, butter, sage, and seasonings), frozen salad (a delicious frozen side dish that is absolute heaven. Among its ingredients: mashed bananas, cream cheese, whipped cream, crushed pineapple, lemon juice, mini-marshmallows, walnuts, mixed and frozen into a gelatin mold) , and a chocolate cream pie (I'm not a fan of pumpkin so always substitute with a favorite!) We'll also bring along some cranberry sauce, wine and flowers.

What I'll be missing is spending Thanksgiving at my mom's. This year, she turns 75 on Thanksgiving Day. It's hard to be far from her on such a special occasion.

I had a little help in the kitchen (I admit, I have my own personal slicer and chopper named Edilberto!) My son got hold of the camera and took some pics. Some of him helping too.:

1 comment:

Robin said...

Your stuffing sounds delicious.

Have a wonderful holiday, and I'm really glad you've got dear friends to spend it with. That makes all the difference when you're living far from home.