Saturday, December 29, 2007

Day 5 of No Taste

I'm now on day 5 of being taste and smell deprived. This is the worst cold I've had in years. We just returned from an afternoon at the beach. I hoped it would be good for clearing-out my sinuses. I figured too that we should go because a cold front is supposed to be coming. And the kids are in absolute heaven when we take them there.

They had a great time digging holes in the sand for the water to come in, running in and out of waves, and collecting treasures. They even went "jellyfishing" (SpongeBob fans will appreciate that!) They caught around 6 or so and plopped them in a bucket full of seawater. When the jellies would wash ashore, the kids would scoop them up with their shovels. I had taken one last dip in the water, and on my way out of course, I was stung on the thigh by one of their cousins. It felt like a bee sting.

Isabella was also very busy running along the beach collecting kelp. It was very funny to watch her. She piled the brown flowery kelp high and would drop some into a bucket of water. Perhaps she was making some sort of kelp soup? Anyway, it was precious to see her with a bouquet of kelp in her hands as she went gathering it up off the beach.

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