Thursday, January 24, 2008

Well, I guess if I don't post soon...

If I don't post soon, those ugly snake pictures won't go down the page. So I better get to some posting. Right? How about some completely random lovely things to ponder (to take our minds off of that yucky snake).

We can always post pictures of something more desireable. Like the other day, I baked some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Photos:

Oh, and here's a cute picture of Pepper taken a couple of days ago, in this picture looking much younger than she really is:

And the nice family photo. Very random, since it was taken in 2006!

Random fun for the camera shots: all you who were creeped-out by the snake can come back. I think I've got him pushed down the page!


Robin said...

Yummy cookies and cute family pics are MUCH better than that icky snake pic!

TnMomTo3 said...

Family and cookie pictures are so much better than the snake picture! :)