Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Nice Evening

O.K. so I cracked the whip and got everyone out for an early evening walk. It didn't matter that it was early evening, it was still 90 degrees outside (varying because there was sort of a "breeze" as we got closer to the water. But still, we were all quite sticky when we got home.) The kids and Edil were already tired from having swam earlier. I was determined we'd get out and walk to the park. The park along the causeway is only 3 blocks from home. I must admit, it was a bit too hot. But we had a great time just getting out together for a while. On the walk home, the sun went behind some menacing looking clouds. It was perfect timing because we were heading West with the sun setting. Can you guess who dressed Liam? Liam of course. I must hide that shirt. I'll bet when it's time to make a rag out of it, he'll ask me to make it into a pillow for him! We BBQ'd some chicken and watched a movie together. It was a nice evening.

Watching the bridge go up for boats to go by.

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