Thursday, August 16, 2007

Crazy Week!

Two days before Liam's school started is when we found out we'd get a pastor/minister's discount on his tuition. That is, therefore, when we registered him, and when I received the list of school supplies to purchase. That is when too that I knew he'd need to have uniforms to wear and books to be purchased. TWO DAYS before the first day of school!!!

The whole time I kept wondering if we were doing the right thing. We really can't afford to send him to private school. It is a step of faith for us to be doing this. It is already extremely difficult to live in Florida with the high cost of living. It has been a challenge for us to say the least.

After handing over a check for registration and first month's tuition (faint), I went into the room where they have donated uniforms. I'd been in there before but there wasn't much in Liam's size. This time, however, there was a huge bag full of every kind shirt, pairs of shorts, pants, P.E. uniforms, and even baseball jackets in his size! All in brand new or barely used condition. I was teary eyed when I saw them there. I felt it was a sign that we were O.K. and it was a good thing what we were doing. Had there not been anything there for him, I don't know how we'd have had uniforms for him within two day's time for his first day of school.

I had some used books on hold in the office and I picked those up a couple of days later. We have almost all of his books. I got a couple workbooks brand new on Ebay. That saved me at least $30.00!

Yesterday was his first day. He was actually giddy in the van as we pulled into the parking lot and he saw all the other children walking in. He was cute sittng in the front row and introducing himself to all the classmates who sat in his vicinity saying, "We're in class together!"

There are 17 kids total in his classroom. His teacher is very nice, young and energetic. He likes her.

Today, his second day of school, he didn't want to go this morning, he didn't like wearing a belt. School was too long. On and on he went. He relented and got into the van. When I picked him up this afternoon, he said he didn't want to go home yet. He wanted to stay a little longer at school! Apparently there's this girl, who had her arm around him while they sat on the bench with their class to wait for parents to pick them up. I saw her there when I pulled-in with the van. He told me tonight at dinner that she told him he was cute THREE times. He's 6 years old! I think I need to talk to his teacher! Hmm...

Anyway, I notice he is more attentive when I talk with him. There seems to be a new sense of responsibility in him. He is loving this new big boy status of being a part of a class. I feel that we are doing the right thing for now. I can see him thriving in this situation. I am open to homeschooling if in the future something changes and we decide that at that time it is best for him.

I'm also really enjoying my time with Isabella. Today we read books, did puzzles and had some nice chats. She and I will be volunteering in Liam's classroom soon and often.


EDILBERTO'S LATEST NEWS: Yesterday was extremely frustrating as he and two other guys were loading a very large container to be shipped to Haiti this weekend. The two tractors they use BOTH broke down. It was a sweltering hot day. Frustration mounted as time was limited to get the job done before the container was to leave. Today, after persistance and prayer, they got the tractors working, worked late, and got the container filled and ready to go! We are very thankful they had success. The ministry in Haiti will be very thankful to receive this shipment. I will try and post photos and more details later.


Robin said...

Liam is going to do beautifully. What a special feeling it is to have the signs line up and show you that you are in fact making the right decision about something.

TnMomTo3 said...

Oh! Liam sounds like he's in the right place! :)

We get every excuse in the book, too, when Josh isn't ready to get up in the morning. He loves school, just doesn't care for getting up that early. :)

I'm so glad things are working out!!

Jo said...

Sounds just perfect for him. I'm a big reader of signs too. J