Friday, December 21, 2007

Bye-Bye Tooth

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Well, Liam's pain, and mine, are past. He got his abscessed baby molar extracted today. He was such a great patient. So brave! The whining started after we got home. Understandable. I let him eat almost as many Popsicles as he wanted to. That way, if he ever has anything like this happen again (hope not), he'll at least have some good association with the experience.

I also got him a Mylar "Get Well Soon" balloon with SpongeBob and Patrick on it. More screaming when Isabella accidentally let it go into the sky when they went outside briefly this evening! I said I would get him another one, but not if he doesn't really forgive his sister for the accident. He kept saying, "I forGIVE you, IsaBELLA." Emphasis on the end of the word meaning, "You horrid brat!" Not really a forgiving spirit there. He did eventually have a softer heart and recognized that she didn't mean to do it and genuinely forgave her.

1 comment:

Robin said...

What a brave guy. I'm glad it's over and done with.

As for the balloon, we had a scene like that when Maya accidentally let Itai's brand new kite go. (I think the only thing (other than me) that prevented homicide that day was the fact that Jay somehow managed to recover it before Itai could figure out a plan!) Poor M was so traumatized by the whole thing that for months afterwards if she was upset about something unrelated she'd start to cry and say "I let the kite go. It was a mistake. Everybody makes mistakes." Poor thing...

I hope by now all's well in Florida sibling-land and Liam's mouth isn't hurting as much.